Al-Shabab Believed to be Behind Murder of Three Christian School Teachers in Eastern Kenya


Al-Shabab is believed to be behind the murder of three Christian school teachers in eastern Kenya. The attack took place in the early hours of January 13th and has rattled the community.

The attackers entered the rooms of the residential school’s staff while they were sleeping, says Greg Musselman of Voice of the Martyrs Canada. One teacher was able to escape via a window and described what occurred.

The local Somali Muslim teachers were separated from non-locals, who were assumed to be Christians and had been attending a local church. The three Christian men were then shot. One additional staff member was injured and a Muslim teacher was abducted. These attackers appeared not to target the female staff.

“One of the attackers reportedly said that ‘we cannot allow infidels to teach our children,’” Musselman says “…They didn’t want the ideology from what they think is the West because they link Christianity with the West. Of course we know that’s not true.”

The names of the three believers killed were not initially released out of fear of retribution, and the school has been closed. Read more here.

Though Al-Shabab is primarily a Somali-based group, militants have long carried out attacks in neighboring countries. Kenya has been a major target for attacks. Notably Garissa University in 2015 and the Westgate mall in 2013. The Kenyan government is part of a regional coalition against the militant group, and violence in the region has escalated since December of 2019. Read more here.

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Kali Katerberg

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