New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Holds Evangelism and Missions Day During Inauguration of President Jamie Dew


Presidential inaugurations require a certain amount of formality and pomp, but Jamie Dew wanted a portion of his inauguration week to focus on servanthood and Gospel proclamation.

Since coming to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) and Leavell College in June as the school’s ninth president, Dew has called the seminary community to take up the “towel and basin” and serve like Jesus.

In the midst of this week with all its formalities, the NOBTS family took time out to serve in mission projects around the city, reflecting the tone Dew wishes to set for his tenure.

Faculty, staff and students worked in teams throughout the city and saw at least three people come to faith in Christ. One of the people who responded to the Gospel that day lived just next to the seminary campus. A team going door to door in the neighborhood that abuts NOBTS struck up a conversation with a man working in his yard. After hearing the Gospel, he prayed to receive Christ in the shadow of a seminary building.

Before dispersing into the city, Dew reminded the more than 300 participants gathered in Leavell Chapel just how Christ served others. He warned them not to stop at intellectual devotion to the Gospel.

“I’m afraid we often do miss in the midst of all that God is doing in our lives, in the place and location we’re in, with the tasks before us — I’m afraid we miss how simple this really is,” Dew said. “Christ … the Master, the Teacher, the Messiah, the King — our King — came into the world as a servant and took a towel and basin and took the posture of the lowest of them all and washed his disciples’ feet.”

Dew expressed his love to the seminary family and said he “fell in love” with them because of their humility and service.

“So today, and every day from this point forward, you start this journey with me,” Dew said. “I submit myself to you and the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to be your and their servant. With Christ, I call you into that with me.”

Lifting up the towel and basin that Dew carried to the pulpit, he gave his final charge.

“Let’s show Gentilly and New Orleans and all the places we will go what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He is our example and today we honor Him by obeying.”

Some teams prayer walked and shared the Gospel in neighborhoods (Gentilly, Lakeview and the French Quarter) and on a university campus. Others served at Global Maritime Ministries, a seafarer ministry at the Port of New Orleans, or at the Baptist Friendship House, a ministry near the French Quarter that cares for women and children in transition and human trafficking victims.

Teams sorted and organized hygiene items and articles of clothing for backpacks the center distributes to those in need or those escaping human trafficking and provided other needed services.

Key Bennett, Baptist Friendship House executive director and a North American Mission Board Send Relief missionary, pointed to Jesus’ example in Matthew 25 and the admonition in 1 John 3:17-18 to show the importance of service.

“[Serving others] is what Jesus did,” Bennett said. “Hurting people have experienced trauma in their lives, so my homeless and human trafficking survivors and folks living in poverty have a lot of need. It’s simply meeting a need, building a relationship and changing a life through Jesus Christ.”

Source: Baptist Press

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