TikTok Reinstates Anti-Abortion Group Live Action’s Account After ‘Human Error’ Led to Ban


Anti-abortion group Live Action had its TikTok account reinstated on Friday — only hours after the account was kicked off for violating the popular app’s community guidelines. The removal had been a mistake, a TikTok spokesperson told TheWrap.

“TikTok is a platform for creative expression that welcomes diversity of users and viewpoints,” the spokesperson said. “Following a review, we have determined that there we no violations of our community guidelines and the issue was the result of a human error by a moderator. We apologize for the mistake and have reactivated the account.”

Earlier on Friday, Live Action’s account was purged after posting a 15-second clip showing a a young woman opting to “be pro-life and and help save babies” rather than “be pro-abortion.” The clip then cut to a few different baby pictures as well as written testimonials from women who thanked the organization for helping them decide against abortion. According to Live Action, TikTok took this clip down and the group appealed to have it reinstated within an hour; TikTok then banned the group’s account entirely, saying it was removed “due to multiple community guidelines violations.”

According to a Live Action representative, TikTok did not explain how the group had violated its rules.

TikTok’s community guidelines can be found here.

SOURCE: TheWrap, Sean Burch

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