Here We Go: Several More Venues Cancel Franklin Graham’s Gospel Tour in the UK After Pressure from LGBT Activists


While several venues have canceled events planned for Franklin Graham in the United Kingdom, citing objections to his views on homosexuality, the evangelist is not calling off his eight-date tour of the country and has instead asked his supporters to pray that the doors remain open for the Gospel.

Graham, the son of the late evangelist Billy Graham, was booked to speak at the International Convention Centre Wales in Newport on June 14, but the event has been canceled, according to WalesOnline.

Jayne Bryant, Assembly Member for Newport West, said Graham has “a long record of preaching hate, prejudice and intolerance” and called for the event to be canceled due to her concerns and those raised by LGBTQ charity Pride Cymru.

Earlier, Liverpool ACC and Glasgow SEC also pulled out of hosting events for Graham. So did Sheffield City Trust for a planned event at Sheffield Arena.

Despite some cancellations, Graham, who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said on Saturday that he’s “looking forward to preaching the Gospel across the UK in late May & June.”

“Hundreds of churches are praying & planning to be a part of these evangelistic outreaches. People everywhere are searching for something to fill the void in their lives. Jesus Christ is the answer.”

Earlier last week, Graham wrote to the U.K.’s LGBTQ community, explaining his stand.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Anugrah Kumar

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