Trans World Radio Launches New Oasis AM Transmitter to Share the Gospel with Muslim and Christian Listeners Across Nigeria


Trans World Radio (TWR) will be launching its new Oasis AM transmitter on February 1 to share the Gospel with Muslim and Christian listeners across Nigeria.

Abdoulaye Sangho of TWR says, “We are very excited to launch a new transmitter oriented to Nigeria. Radio is the only tool available to reach various people in the area. It’s difficult to travel in that area, difficult to build churches there. Radio can find the people where they are and radio can speak the language of the people.” Sangho has been in radio ministry for 36 years, and has been with TWR since 1996.

Sangho says the new transmitter will make it possible to air several programs, many designed for Muslim listeners. The Way of Righteousness is one such program, and focuses on the revelation of Jesus in the Old Testament. It has been translated into several Nigerian languages.

TWR also produces a program called The Prophets that discusses the lives of the prophets in the Bible. Muslims already know these writings, and Sangho points out that everyone can get something out of the lives and writings of these individuals.

“Also, we have a program called the Messiah, the Messiah is about the Gospel, about the life of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus, and about salvation,” Sangho says.

And the programs are not only for Muslims. Sangho says Christians in the country need access to solid biblical teaching and encouragement.

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Kevin Zeller

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