How to live a Healthy Life


A lot of people are neglectful when it comes to their health, they do not pay much attention to how much they are eating, what they are eating and whether they are exercising or not. This is all good and fine when you are a teenager or in your early twenties and your body can handle all that you put into it.Even if you do not exercise much in your early age, it can work out well for you because your body will put it to better use. However, when you start to age and get in your mid or late twenties, your digestive system does not work all that efficiently and you will start to experience fatigue and laziness.

This is why it is important that you start to plan a healthy lifestyle and, then stick to that plan.If you need a little help in that planning, then the below mentioned points can help you out.

Do a course in miracles healing:

You must be wondering what is a course in miracles healing. It is a self-study course that trains the mind to connect with the Holy Spirit. It makes you feel more connected to God and you can shun any bad habits by training your mind. There are so many practical applications of this course but you can do this as a step towards living a healthy lifestyle. The reason is simple that a healthy mind makes a healthy body. So your mental health is the most important.

Morning walk:

If you are lazy and unhealthy and you want to start your day in an active manner, then you need to make sure that you get up early in the morning and that you do some morning walk. Morning walk can really help you start your day fresh and active and you can do a little jogging as well, which will fuel up your body and you will feel energetic throughout the day.

Eat smaller portions of food:

If you are someone who eats a lot of food and you are trying to maintain a healthy weight and also trying to live a healthy life, then it is better to eat food in smaller portions. This way you can cheat your brain and your stomach that you are eating a full meal if you eat food in smaller portions.

Eat more greens and fruits:

Try to cut back on fried food and junk food. Also, try to avoid eating food that has a lot of sugar in it as sugar will make you lazier.Try to add more fruits and vegetables in your regular diet and try to replace your meals by adding more fruits and vegetables.

Get yourself regularly checked:

It is really very important that you go to the doctors regularly and get a health checkup.This will help you to keep a check and balance on your health.If you are gaining weight due to some other reason, then that too can be diagnosed in the regular health checkup.


These were a few of the tips that can help you to achieve a healthy life style. Always keep in mind that diet pills if taken soberly then can help you in the long run. But extra dose of everything is bad so be careful and pay attention on morning walk and exercises.


Contributing Post by Ikhraaf Qaiser, who is the founder and author of Specializing in content publishing, and Blogger outreach. He loves writing article and shares his experience through his articles on Fashion, Health, Relationship, Education, Technology and many more.

All content and images is this post are property and responsibility of the contributor : Ikhraaf Qaiser