Jim Denison on Uniformity, Courage, and Spiritual Awakening


Jim Denison is the founder and CEO of the Denison Forum, a nonprofit Christian media organization that comments on current issues through a biblical lens. The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily represent those of BCNN1.

Mitt Romney voted yesterday to convict President Trump of abusing his power. (He voted to acquit the president on the charge of obstructing Congress.) While the president was acquitted on both charges, Romney became the first senator in US history to vote to convict a president from the same party in an impeachment trial.

In 1999, no Democratic senator voted to convict President Bill Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. In 1868, no Democrat voted to convict President Andrew Johnson.

My purpose today is not to respond personally or politically to the senator’s decision. Rather, it is to think biblically about the reaction to his action.

Many Republicans are voicing their displeasure at a decision they consider a betrayal of the senator’s party. Democrats are praising his courage in opposing a sitting president from his own party.

If the Republicans are right, Sen. Romney was wrong. If the Democrats are right, the Republicans are wrong.

None of this should surprise us.

The rancor on display during the president’s State of the Union address is still making news. Commentators have noted that President Trump did not shake Speaker Pelosi’s hand before the speech (he did not shake Vice President Pence’s hand, either). Speaker Pelosi’s ripping up of his speech afterwards has become a meme trending on social media.

Washington Post columnist noted that the exterior of the House end of the Capitol was covered in plastic tarp and scaffolding for repairs, which seems symbolic of our times.

Divisions in Washington reflect deep divisions in our nation. Whether the subject is abortion, same-sex marriage, religious liberty, or a host of other issues, evangelical Christians hold very different positions from religiously unaffiliated Americans.

In this post-Christian culture, it is vital to remember that unity is not uniformity. God’s people have historically spoken boldly and courageously for biblical principles. Think of Moses demanding that Pharaoh release his people from slavery, or Nathan exposing David’s sin (2 Samuel 12:1-15), or Daniel warning Belshazzar of pending judgment (Daniel 5:17-23), or Peter and the apostles refusing the Sanhedrin’s demand that they cease preaching the gospel (Acts 5:27-32).

Their proclamation is our commitment: “We must serve God rather than men” (v. 29).

At the same time, we are required to speak graciously rather than abrasively, redemptively rather than defensively. When you and I “make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you,” we are to do so “with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame” (1 Peter 3:15-16, my emphasis).

Behaving “with gentleness and respect” does not exempt us from opposition. Rather, it describes how we are to respond to it.

James Koester of the Society of St. John the Evangelist noted: “God’s gift of love to us in Jesus does not separate us from those who are different. It unites us, in one loving embrace. We forget that when we believe we are God’s favorite, to the detriment of all others.”

“Speaking the truth in love” must always be our commitment and example (Ephesians 4:15).

Source: Christian Headlines

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