Egypt Again Delays Court Hearing for Coptic Christian Activist Who Was Arrested and Jailed Last November


Authorities in Egypt have again delayed the court hearing for a Coptic Christian activist jailed last November on “preposterous charges,” according to a persecution watchdog group. 

It’s been over two months since plainclothes police officers in Cairo raided the home of Christian activist Rami Kamil during the early hours of the morning. He was taken into custody and reportedly accused of joining a terror group as well as broadcasting false information.

However, advocates contend that Kamil was targeted because of his advocacy for human rights and religious freedom. Kamil is part of the Maspero Youth Union, an activist group fighting for equality and civil rights for the Coptic community. He has also written about the mistreatment suffered by Christians in Egypt.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a United Nations-recognized NGO that works in several countries to assist persecuted communities, reports that Kamil was slated to appear before the Supreme State Security Prosecution on Jan. 19.

But on the day of his hearing, Kamil’s lawyers waited several hours before being informed that the Ministry of Interior did not bring Kamil from Torra prison to the SSSP office for the hearing.

According to CSW, this is not the first time that the government ministry failed to transfer Kamil from the prison to the hearing.

Sources who spoke with the nonprofit agency believe that failure to bring Kamil to his scheduled hearings are an attempt to prolong his legal process as well as increase psychological pressure.

There have been several “procedural irregularities” in Kamil’s case. According to CSW, Kamil’s detention was extended by 15 days after an interrogation by prosecutors. Defense attorneys were informed that Kamil’s detention would be extended again even though he has not been formally charged with a crime.

It is not yet clear when the next hearing is scheduled.

“Mr. Kamil’s detention increasingly appears to be an effort to punish him for his work as a human rights defender,” CSW Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas said in a statement. “We call for his immediate and unconditional release, and for due process to be observed.”

SOURCE: Christian Post, Samuel Smith

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