Todd Dulaney Says He Has Already Seen God Moving After Answering Call to ‘Sing Scripture’


Professional baseball player turned gospel singer Todd Dulaney sings words taken straight from the Bible in his newly released EP, Back to the Book, and says he’s already seen a mighty move of God in response.

The award-winning singer was first encouraged to sing the literal word of God when he was invited to an International House of Prayer event in Ohio. The hosts of the event flew the singer out, all expenses paid, not so that he could perform there but so they could share a message with him.

While there, he recalled them prophetically telling him that he would “sing Scripture.” Dulaney told The Christian Post he didn’t immediately receive the word wholeheartedly because he didn’t know how he would be able to format scripture verses into choruses and melodies that would “rhyme.”

IHOP intercessors told him his ministry would be similar to Fred Hammond who is one of the few gospel artists who has also used scriptures in his music.

Dulaney opened the Bible and started creating melodies inspired by the written word of God and his new EP, Back to the Book, was born.

“Write them on the tablet of your heart … I am the Vine, you are the branches / He who abides in Me / Will forever be fruitful indeed / I am the Way, the Truth and the Light / No one gets to the Father / Except that he comes through Me,” Dulany sings in his EP, the words taken from Psalm 3.

“I feel like language is essential to precise communication, and the language of the Kingdom of Heaven is God’s word,” Dulany told CP in an interview on Monday. “This book allows us to speak the same language regardless of where we’re from in the world.”

SOURCE: Christian Post, Jeannie Law

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