Erica May on What Dwyane Wade Should Have Told His 12-Year-Old Son


The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of BCNN1. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s).

Former NBA player Dwyane Wade recently made headlines by announcing his 12-year-old son has made the decision to transition into becoming a girl.  Wade said he and the family fully support it.

It appears the majority of reactions praise Wade for supporting his son’s sexuality.  They admire him for supporting his “daughter.”

We don’t know how in depth if at all Zion was questioned regarding why he feels that he wants to be a girl.  But we do know that from appearances, Wade and his family have gone “all in”.

I have found parenting to be an exercise in love, modeling and leadership.  And leadership above all else is responsibility. We are our child’s first teachers. We have the ability, along with God-given instructions, to mold our children into the people they should become and to guide them in the way they should go.  Sometimes parenting will require us to protect our children from themselves.

What twelve year old gets to decide their destiny?

Wade said his son came home and told him, “Dad, I’m ready to live my truth.”  At twelve years old a person’s brain is not fully developed. Studies show the prefrontal cortex (which is the portion of the brain that activates the ability to control impulses and decision making) is still developing in our early 20’s.  This is one reason children and adults are treated differently in criminal justice center.

At this age, Zion could not be legally questioned without his parents being present. If he drives a car and is involved in an accident, his parents are responsible for the damages.  His parents choose what school he attends. They may allow him to choose his extracurricular activities – but that is their choice.   He can’t even go on a school field trip without parental permission, yet they count him competent enough to make decisions regarding his gender and sexuality.

Wade said his response to his son was, “I told him (Zion) you are a leader; you are going to be a voice.”  Somebody needs to tell Wade, “No, you are A leader. You are THE Parent”.  The Bible says children are like” arrows,” we point them in the direction we want them to go.  He continued on to report that the family sought advice for how to handle their son from actors that play in a homosexual-centered, non-child appropriate television show.  Yes, these are the resources utilized for information gathering.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Erica May

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