Shane Idleman on Are Christians Who Support Trump Hypocrites?


The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of BCNN1. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s).

My recent op-eds here received many positive responses — as well as a few negative ones. The charge of being a hypocrite if you support the president is often at the top of the list. But hypocrisy means to intentionally deceive someone (e.g., who I am on Sunday is not who I am on Monday). We are not dealing with hypocrisy here. So what are we dealing with? 

We have two primary issues playing out. Number one, many are simply not going to embrace the president’s agenda. I truly believe that this is a spiritual battle. There’s a big push toward globalism, abortion on demand, sexual perversion, socialism, open borders, and so on. And it’s often Christians who serve as our moral compass to get us back on track.

Calling us hypocrites is really just a defense mechanism for those who don’t want to see the truth. For example, when I talk about ungodly entertainment, I’m labeled a fundamentalist. When I talk about purity and abstinence, I’m labeled legalistic. When I talk about defending babies, I’m labeled as being against women. When I talk about marriage being between a man and a woman, I’m labeled a homophobe. When I support the current president, I’m labeled a hypocrite. And on and on it goes. (Subscribe here on YouTube to hear sermons.)

Anytime you stand for truth, you will be labeled. Granted, the truth must come from a loving, gentle heart. The truth will offend, but our attitude should not. Many people on the conservative side also need to pray before posting something derogatory on social media. We are dropping the ball on both sides. For example, when I released an op-ed about distorted facts, a lot of people thought that I was writing something against the president (click here to read it). The mean emails I received from “conservatives” were just as nasty as ones from liberals. Folks, we can all use a lot more grace and humility, including me.

The Real Problem: The Battle over Truth

The more concerning issue is that many claiming to be Christians embrace liberal theology, and most of them are against President Trump. This group typically has a problem with the inerrancy of Scripture as well as difficult truths, such as repentance, judgment, and sin. So it’s no surprise why they don’t like op-eds, social media posts, or anything grounded in truth. They also welcome anti-scriptural agendas (the LGBTQ onslaught comes to mind), and they mock those who aren’t willing to throw their Bibles away and follow the crowd. Need more proof? It was liberals calling themselves “Christians” who primarily came against my article regarding what the Bible says about homosexuality.

So, one must ask the question regarding political hot buttons: When Hollywood and most of the media is on your side, are you sure you’re on the right side? The Bible encourages us to be peacemakers but not religious negotiators. In our zeal to reach others, we cannot compromise the message just because we want to be liked. We must speak the truth.

Do Ungodly Means Justify a Godly End?

Another question goes something like this: Do ungodly means justify a godly end? To me, this is a no-brainer. The Bible says don’t murder innocent children (abortion). It also says that we should work hard if we can (no socialism). It also says that the government is to guard the nation, securing borders and fighting terrorism (see Romans 13). The Bible adds that we should have judges who are honest and that we should bring God’s Word into all areas of life. And on and on it goes. Many of President Trump’s staff are doing all this and more. How a person, let alone a Christian, can overlook these things is a mystery to me.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Shane Idleman

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