Karen Farris on Learn the 2020 ‘Red Flag’ Teen Slang Adults Should be Aware Of


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Texting and teens seems to be an inseparable pairing. Working with teens can be fun and also frustrating — especially when slang seems to be their primary language among one another. Their desire for independence has them trying to exclude parents, teachers, and those who are helping shape their lives and encourage them to make wise choices. Their texting slang has a meaning all its own.

We all would agree our teens face enormous challenges and distractions — but working alongside parents, church youth leaders, and those dedicated to youth helps make the journey easier. Axis is an organization helping adults connect better with the kids in their world.

Much of the teen slang is an innocent way to text quickly and impart messages that are quickly understood. But Axis also shares some Red Flag slang that adults need to be more wary:

1. Addy: Which is short for Adderall — the medication used to treat ADHD

2. Catfish: Someone pretending to be someone they’re not on social media, either for dating or sexual purposes.

3. D: Short for d*** She just wants the D

4. DTF: Down to F***

5. FWB: Friends with benefits

SOURCE: Christian Post, Karen Farris

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