Seth & Nirva on Their Upcoming Album “One Voice”, the Meaning Behind Their New Song “Mercy”, and Why America Needs Repentance After ‘Crossing Into the Danger Zone’


Acclaimed husband/wife duo Seth & Nirva released the new single “Mercy” off of their long-awaited album. As well as being a personal prayer, the song is a cry of repentance on behalf of America. 

The duo’s anticipated album, One Voice, will be released on March 13 and features 13 tracks of both music and spoken-word vignettes. Seth & Nirva, who have tackled real-life topics head-on in the past as a biracial couple and ministers of the Gospel, continue to provide content that is vulnerable and personal.

Their new single, “Mercy,” models the book of Psalms from the Bible as the psalmist cries out for God to show up and have mercy on the land. The couple said God continues to remain merciful although we as a people deserve wrath.

The following is The Christian Post’s premiere of their video, “Mercy,” and an edited transcript of CP’s interview with Seth & Nirva, who discuss the concept and reason behind the new single.

Christian Post: “Mercy” is a message so many need to hear right now.  We live in a time where there is not much self-reflection and blessings is what people pray for instead of God’s mercy. Can you talk about that? 

Seth & Nirva: Yeah, you said it. There’s definitely a tendency toward entitlement, and we have also largely lost the concept of the holiness of God. Many are not even aware how far we have fallen short of the glory of God collectively and individually. So one aspect of this song does have to do with repentance. There’s an old prayer called the “Jesus prayer” that many have used through the ages that basically says, “Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This informs the song as well as some of the Psalms where the writer is crying out for God’s mercy for everything from forgiveness, to healing, financial help, perseverance, and justice.

There are a variety of reasons to seek God for His mercy and that’s what we tried to capture in this song and video.

CP: America’s in need of God’s mercy as it’s now actively promoting things the Bible calls evil as good, such as redefining identity, killing the innocent, political corruption, social injustice. What inspired you to pen this song? 

Seth & Nirva: For sure, we have definitely crossed into the danger zone that the prophet Isaiah warned us about long ago of calling “evil good, and good evil.” When you think of the 60 million plus innocent human beings we have legally killed in the womb since Roe vs. Wade, and how we are indoctrinating elementary school kids with the sexual anarchy propagated by radical LGBTQ activists, it’s a wonder God hasn’t blown us off the map.

When we wrote this song, we did get the sense that although the lyric literally refers to an individual person praying, at a deeper level it represents the land itself crying out for mercy. In this sense, we aren’t just asking for forgiveness, but we are asking God to come and bring correction and justice — to draw the leaders responsible for this evil to repentance, or to remove them and bring judgment upon them if they refuse.

CP: The song is God-breathed and is an emotional listening experience. Can you share your personal experience with it? 

SOURCE: Christian Post, Jeannie Law

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