Life.Church Pastor Craig Groeschel Challenges American Christians to Abandon ‘Easy’ Christianity and Pray ‘Dangerous Prayers’


A megachurch pastor and bestselling author has challenged American Christians to abandoned an “easy” version of their beliefs and pray “dangerous” prayers instead.

In the final part of a sermon series titled “Dangerous Prayers” that was preached on Sunday, Life.Church pastor Craig Groeschel implored people to pray for God to “break my heart.”

Groeschel labeled it “the most dangerous prayer,” telling his congregation that they “probably won’t like this prayer” and some will “refuse to pray” it.

“It is not a common prayer, it is not an easy prayer,” he said at the beginning of his message. “It doesn’t match the normal safe prayers that many of us pray.”

“It’s not consistent with the ‘God should make your life easy’ version of Americanized popularized Christianity.”

Groeschel said he “likes the easy prayers and it’s OK to pray them,” citing examples of prayers for good meals, green traffic lights, well-behaved kids, and “no zits on the important days.”

Nevertheless, Groeschel advocated for the breaking of heart prayer, stressing that “following Jesus was never meant to be safe.”

“God, break my heart,” said Groeschel, who added that he wanted God to “crush it” and to “strip me of comfort, ease, and spiritual apathy.”

Groeschel went on to suggest that “God’s greatest blessings come from God’s greatest breakings,” asking “what if the very most special blessings from God come on the other side of the pain that moves you out of self to care about people on His behalf?”

“What would happen if God really broke your heart to the things that break His?” he asked the congregation. “What if God blessed you with a heavenly burden, a divine burden, a holy hurt?”

SOURCE: Christian Post, Michael Gryboski

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