John Piper Offers Four Ways Christians Can Get a Biblical Understanding of Coronavirus


Theologian John Piper has offered Christians four ways they can biblically understand the coronavirus, which has infected about 87,000 so far and killed more than 3,000 people.

The family of viruses known as coronaviruses infects mostly bats, pigs and small mammals, but they mutate easily and can jump from animals to humans, and from one human to another, as The Wall Street Journal explained recently, adding that the mortality rate has ranged between 2 percent and about 3.4 percent as of now.

More than 50 countries have reported cases of coronavirus and the World Health Organization has upgraded the global risk of the outbreak to “very high.” Amid the outbreak, Piper said in his “Ask Pastor John” podcast that the coronavirus, which originated in China last year, is not stronger than Jesus.

“Jesus has all knowledge and all authority over the natural and supernatural forces of this world. He knows exactly where the virus started, and where it’s going next. He has complete power to restrain it or not,” he said.

He shared four biblical realities that could be used as building blocks in developing an understanding and making sense of it.

1. Sin subjected the world to futility

Quoting Romans 8:20–23, Piper pointed out that when sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, “God ordained that the created order, including our physical bodies, as persons created in His image, would experience corruption and futility, and that all living things would die.”

However, Christians, who trust Christ, do not experience this corruption as condemnation, as their “pain for us is purifying, not punitive.”

“We die of disease like all men, not necessarily because of any particular sin … We die of disease like all people because of the fall,” he explained.

2. Sometimes sickness is God’s mercy

Some Christians can die of illnesses “so that we may not be condemned along with the world,” Piper said.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Anugrah Kumar

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