Indian Girl Distressed by Alcoholic Father Finds Joy in Heavenly Father


Mission India gets stories all the time from their Children’s Bible Clubs in India and how Jesus is making a difference. Mission India’s Erik Morsehead shares one story they recently heard about a 10-year-old girl named Nagia.

“Her father was an alcoholic who was very erratic and caused tremendous chaos and unrest in the family. Then ultimately, it spilled over outside of the family unit to the neighborhood that they lived in.”

To keep their family afloat, Nagia’s mother started working more outside the home. She did her best to be there for her children, but there was only so much she could do.

Morsehead says, “As a result, Nagia started to become a problem at school and fell behind educationally. Even though she was in the fourth grade, believe it or not, she could barely read or write.”

Then, Nagia started attending a Children’s Bible Club with Mission India. She met the leader, Roma, “and God really used Roma to change Nagia’s life forever.”

Nagia loved attending the Bible Club, and her siblings even started to go with her. Nagia’s grades started to improve and, more importantly, she heard God’s Word for the first time.

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Lyndsey Koh

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