As Death Rate From Coronavirus Rises, Global Ministries Aid Those Affected by Outbreak: 'My Hope Rests in God'


As the number of deaths related to the coronavirus rises, ministries are stepping up and offering assistance to those affected by the outbreak around the globe.

The World Health Organization (WHO) just revised the global death rate of the coronavirus, saying it’s fatal for up to 3.4 percent of people who get the infection, The New York Times reports.

A WHO spokesperson, Dr. Margaret Harris said the increase was a “crudely calculated” image of the disease’s death rate globally, and was anticipated to “change over time, and vary from place to place.”

In the US, there are at least 120 cases in more than a dozen states and nine deaths that have occurred in the Seattle, Washington area.

Ministries have been delivering personal protection supplies to prevent the disease from spreading.

In February, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Samaritan’s Purse (SP) sent over 70 pallets of medical supplies and protective clothing to Wuhan, China. 

Also, BGEA and SP’s China Ministry shipped 10,000 protective masks to the city of Huai’an.

“Thank God our friends from the USA sent the masks to us at the right time—when we were in desperate need. Praise the Lord!” said the chief director of Huai’an No. 4 People’s Hospital in China.

The China Ministry team is also trying to calm the public’s fears by talking with ministry contacts through WeChat, one of China’s largest messaging and social media apps.

BGEA developed a webpage (link) in response to concerns with the coronavirus and is offering spiritual relief.

Those who are worried about further development of the outbreak are encouraged to give their doubts and fears to our Father God.

“The world is looking for #Hope”…
“We must choose #Compassion over #Fear”…#Trust #CoronavirusOutbreak >

— Rubbie Rose (@JustRubbie) March 3, 2020

The coronavirus has so far infected more than 94,000 people in 60 countries around the world, with more than 3,200 deaths.

“This virus is ruthless, and we don’t know where it is from or where it is going. Yet, Jesus is love, and we do know where He is from and where He is going. We are following Him,” said Daniel Ma, senior ministry representative for BGEA and SP’s China Ministry.

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Franklin Graham, the president and CEO of the BGEA and Samaritan’s Purse said, “We pray for the people of China and other nations where this virus is spreading. Our hearts go out to those who are sick and suffering and to the families who are grieving the loss of loved ones. The world is looking for hope. My hope rests in God. King David said, ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…’ (Psalm 23:4).”

“One day we will all stand before Him and give an account of how we have lived our lives. My prayer is that each and every one will put their hope and trust in Jesus Christ,” Graham said.

Source CBN

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