Jerry Wiles on The Storms of Life


We all encounter the storms of life;  difficulties, problems and crisis situations.  Who do you go to during those storms of life?  How do you respond in the bad times?  These are important questions and reveal a lot about our relationship with and walk with God.  One of the main stories we use in our Orality Training is the story of Jesus Calming the Storm, recorded in Mark Chapter 4.  During that storm, the disciples went to Jesus and asked, “Rabbi / Master,  don’t you care that we are about to die?”  There are many people today asking similar questions, i.e. “Does God care about us and the troubles we face?”  Well, the good news is that He not only cares, but has the ability to intervene and change our lives and circumstances.

Every Negative has a Positive

It is often in the most difficult times and in the darkest places that God intervenes in the most amazing ways.  One of my mentors use to emphasize that every negative has a positive.  Furthermore, the more negative the negative, the more positive the positive.  It is a phenomenal way to live our lives with that perspective.  A friend of mine use to have a saying, “When it’s good, it’s good, and when it’s bad, it’s good” because God is involved in our lives all the time.  A life of victory is seeing God in all circumstances, and giving thanks in all things.

Character Building Experiences

It’s one thing to know these truths factually and biblically.  However, when we experience those tragedies, crisis or dark times, God often does a deeper work in building real character in our lives. The storms of life are a time to reflect and meditate on the character of God.  Years ago I heard a Bible teachers on the radio talk about these topics in the context of the purpose of suffering.  He said that difficulties, suffering and hard times can be used to 1. Focus our faith, 2.  Fashion our character, and, 3.  Fit us for service.

Growth Happens in the Valleys, not the Mountain Tops

A professional counselor friend uses a picture of a mountain scene to illustrate a lesson about our walk with the Lord.  He points to the picture and asks, “Where do you see the growth, on the mountain top, or in the valley?”  It’s obvious that the growth takes place in the valley, not on the mountain.

SOURCE: Assist News

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