Health Board Reviewing UK Policy Telling Medical Professionals to Rebuke Female Patients Who Express Discomfort With Sharing Hospital Wards With Trans-Identifying Males


Official guidance in the United Kingdom urging medical professionals to chastise women who express discomfort with sharing hospital wards with trans-identifying males is being reviewed.

The U.K. Times reported that the National Health Service in Greater Glasgow and Clyde had urged staff to treat women who objected to sleeping next to patients who appear to be male as through they were racists. But that policy is now under review by the health board following a consultation with the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Members of the Scottish parliament were informed Wednesday that Scottish officials backed “single sex exemptions” in some circumstances, after Joan McAlpine, an MSP and critic of transgender ideology, voiced her concerns about the hospital policy.

“NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s gender reassignment policy review says that a female patient who is distressed at the presence of a male-bodied trans-identified person in the next bed should be told that that person is female and that her complaint is similar to a white woman complaining about a black patient being in the next bed,” McAlpine said.

“Such statements in official documents cast doubt on assurances that the government is committed to maintaining women’s privacy and dignity and the single-sex exemptions in the Equality Act 2010.”

The review comes as ongoing debate occurs, particularly among the Labour party, about how and why laws and policies should recognize and cater to individuals who self-identify as something other than their biological sex. Women’s rights campaigners across the U.K. have in recent years contested allowing males into female-only spaces amid an increasing presence of transgender-identifying persons.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Brandon Showalter

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