Jerry Wiles on The Mission Field of Markets, Malls and Medical Centers


Sometimes, emergencies and crises present witness and ministry opportunities that might not exist in normal circumstances.  Many people tend to be more open to spiritual matters during troubling times.  At a medical center, I asked a man if there was anything I could pray with him about.  It turned out that his wife was in surgery, and he was very receptive and appreciative of my offer.  Almost no one is opposed to being prayed for.  Prayer is a common theme in all religious traditions and a great way to connect for spiritual conversations.

The Power of Showing Appreciation

A grocery store employee was surprised and encouraged when I complimented her on the good job she was doing.  I simply told her how much we appreciated the way they arranged the products on the shelves.  That simple gesture opened up a brief conversation about the Lord.  The lady had recently moved to Houston from Detroit.  I asked her how she would describe the difference in the spiritual climate in the two cities.  That created a connection and a new relationship.  It is encouraging how one new friend can open up a whole new relational network for kingdom impact.

Prayer and Ministry Connections

My wife and I often do prayer walking in a nearby shopping mall.  Of course, it’s more than prayer, and more than walking.  We are observing people and watching for points of connection.  It’s often a comment, a question or a compliment that results in making new friends and experiencing ministry opportunities.  Many times people are more receptive than we might imagine.  During times of crises, emergencies or difficulties, people are even more open to receive prayer and words of encouragement.

SOURCE: Assist News

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