Craig Bowron on Adding Caring for the Vulnerable to Your Coronavirus Checklist


Craig Bowron is a physician and writer in St. Paul, Minnesota. He can be reached on Twitter at @billcarlosbills.

As a Christian living in a northern climate, I find it unfortunate that none of Jesus’ teachings directly speak to our cold weather situation, such as “The Parable of the Neighbor Who Never Shoveled Her Sidewalk” or “The Parable of Black Ice.”

Likewise, although Jesus called us to care for the sick, the weary, those in prison, etc., he didn’t give specific guidance about how to do that in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic. And so we’re left to think that through.

When it comes to the COVID-19 panic, our overriding principle might be from “The Parable of the Good Samaritan Who Tried to Help the Man Who Fell Through the Ice,” in which would-be rescuers are advised to first call for help. As the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources cautions, one should “resist the urge to run up to the edge of the hole. This would most likely result in two victims in the water.”

In trying to help others who are stricken with, or on lockdown from, the novel coronavirus, we should first be careful not to behave in a way that promotes further spread of the virus. The virus moves most efficiently person to person, via kerchoo-powered respiratory droplets, and so the more distance we can keep between persons, the harder that will be. If you’re moving through the community helping others as you’re “just finishing getting over a little cold,” you might be spreading the thing that everyone is trying to avoid.

With that in mind, what to do for those who need our help?

You need to find them first, of course. Our efforts are probably best focused on helping those who are at the highest risk of a serious corona infection: older people and those with chronic medical conditions, as well as those who may have a difficult time living through a period of self-isolation, which includes, in addition to those already mentioned, those with disabilities.

Remember, much of this can be done — and might best be done — via a phone call.

The more they stay home, the less likely they are to become infected.

Make sure they have the food, medication, toiletries, etc., that they need, and if they don’t, see if you can get it for them. Leave these items on their doorstep if necessary.

Do they have a plan if they do get sick? As a physician, I’ve seen it many times: For older folks who are still living independently but under suboptimal or marginal conditions, even a simple bladder infection or a medication mix-up can send them tumbling.

For example, an upstairs bedroom might work OK until they get sick and weak. Then what? Can things be decluttered a bit so that pathways to the bathroom are clear? Could a spare bed be moved downstairs so they can live on that level for a while? Do they have an accessible and functional bathroom?

Source: Religion News Service

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