New York Daily News Reports Some Evangelical Leaders Are Linking the Homosexual Community to New Coronavirus Plague


Some Evangelical leaders think the LGBTQ community is somehow linked to COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

On Wednesday, the Rev. Steven Andrew named March “Repent of LGBT Sin Month.”

“God’s love shows it is urgent to repent, because the Bible teaches homosexuals lose their souls and God destroys LGBT societies,” he said in a press release.

“Obeying God protects the USA from diseases, such as the Coronavirus,” said the anti-LGBTQ preacher, who has been nicknamed “Pastor Jazz Hands” for his somewhat theatrical way of speaking, as well as his pronounced lisp.

As pastor of USA Christian Church, Andrew is “focused on pastoring the nation to reaffirm covenant that the USA serves the Lord, with pastors nationwide,” according to a description on his website.

“Our safety is at stake, since national disobedience of God’s laws brings danger and diseases, such as coronavirus, but obeying God brings covenant protection (Exodus 15:26),” Andrew said. “God protects the USA from danger as the country repents of LGBT, false gods, abortion and other sins.”

According to the Right Wing Watch, fellow right-wing pastor, E.W. Jackson, said on his radio show earlier this week that the “homovirus” is devastating the American family and society.

SOURCE: New York Daily News, Muri Assunção

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