Chris Palmer on Will God Use a Virus to Heal Our Land?


In 2020, God used a virus to heal our land. That’s my prediction, at least. And while it’s yet to be seen, I think that sounds like something our Creator might do. 

The God of the Bible operates best behind paradox. He reigned by serving, lived by dying, and overcame through defeat. He does things a little differently than we do down here. He’s ironic and he works from the inside, out.

Now, for his next act, he makes a harmful virus our nations cure and uses social distancing to bring us all together.

Seem a little too absurd? Almost like a Virgin Birth.

I invite you to have a different perspective as these historic events unfold. Look beyond the minute-by-minute news and empty shelves. Squint into the shadows of antinomy. You’ll find the Great Physician operating. He’s healing the most diseased areas of society and life and making use of a virus to bring out the best in us.

For one, the Healer is restoring in our generational divide. Back in October, Millennials joked that their elders were the bane of society. Out of touch. In the way. Antiquated. Just retire already and give us your jobs, they groaned. The tension mounted and the divide grew more-and-more felt. But today, “ok Boomer” has suddenly become “are you okay, Boomer?” Memesters are concerned about the generation they just got billions of likes for resenting. They are out doing errands for them. Grocery shopping. Dropping things off. Picking things up. Shielding the Boomers from taking any unnecessary risks. Good ol’ fashioned respect seems to be coming back into style. Honoring your parents is in. The memes have been laid to rest and it’s now about tweeting ways we can put the elderly before ourselves. It’s the first being last and the last being first.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Chris Palmer

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