Trump Adviser Paula White: 'God Is Your Resting Place' in This Age of the Coronavirus


Pastor Paula White spoke with CBN’s David Brody about how to conquer fear during this worldwide coronavirus crisis. White is President Trump’s spiritual advisor and close friend. This excerpt of the interview aired today on CBN’s Faith Nation show. Her advice is below.

“The enemy, what we call Satan, only has a few tools and one of those is fear. Then, the reason that he operates so much in fear, and it’s okay to feel afraid, it’s okay to be anxious a little bit, it’s not like we’re not human and don’t have real concerns – doesn’t mean we have to live by that fear.” 

“Those of you that might not have a relationship with God, they’re looking at our lives (as Christians) and saying, ‘How are you so peaceful during this time? How is there a calmness? How is there not this panic?’ It doesn’t mean that we don’t use our brains. It means that we understand a few things: The Bible says for us to fight the good fight of faith. The Bible tells us we’ve not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of power and of a sound mind. Jesus said my peace I leave with you as if He willed us His peace.”

“God is your resting place. The Bible says some call on chariots and horses, but we’ll call on the Lord. When there are things that feel so out of control in our life, we need each other, we need encouragement. And most of all, we need to call upon God. There are people that are on the fence or people that are agnostic. There are people that don’t know what they believe, and are truly experiencing panic and phobias and terror and fright and fear and all the things that the enemy wants to bombard us.”

“But I’ve always said that the church has never been a museum for saints. It’s always been a hospital for those that are hurting. We are praying for our first responders and our medical doctors, for CDC, for our president, for everyone. Not everyone has health centers, some do and some have now become testing centers and are using the churches. We’re helping in all different ways.”

“But I think the greatest way we always can help as pastors is to offer true hope, and true faith. And faith is not, what we say, false evidence appearing real. We’re not denying facts. We’re saying, in the midst of this circumstance, in the midst of this pandemic, it did not catch God off guard. And this too shall pass. And God does have answers, and if we’ll sit and relax in him and calm down all the noise for a minute, calm down the chaos, I believe that God, as He has for thousands of thousands of years, delivered his people, has given them answers. It doesn’t mean everything turns out just the way you want.” 

“Anyone who’s ever read my book knows if I had things the way they want, I would not have gone through all the literal chaos and hell I went through, but David, God arms, you know, you can go through a situation of crisis. But that crisis doesn’t have to get in you. And that’s not to minimize what we’re going through, because it’s very real. It’s very serious. But I do know, this too shall pass.”

Source CBN

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