Karl Noten on How to Boost Your Immune System to Help Coronavirus


In fighting this viral disease we focus on stopping the spread of the virus by isolating ourselves and avoid contact with others. Of course,  this is important but this is not the way of fighting the battle. It seems more like a fright and flight reaction. But now it is time for a fight reaction!

We seem to have forgotten that our immune system is able to fight and overcome many viral diseases and the fact that we can boost our body’s defense system. But how do we do this? Here are the four biblical and science-based key pillars to stand up and fight the coronavirus.

Let’s uncrown the coronavirus

Today, all eyes are focused on the coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; previously provisionally named 2019 novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV) disease (COVID-19)). It is spread by human-to-human transmission via droplets or direct contact, and infection has been estimated to have an incubation period of 6.4 days and a basic reproduction number of 2.24-3.58. Among patients with pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus pneumonia or Wuhan pneumonia), fever was the most common symptom, followed by coughing. [1] This fever can be dangerous especially for older and fragile people. That’s why it’s important to stop the spreading of this virus.

Corona means crown. It is also a circle of light that can sometimes be seen around the sun during an eclipse when the moon is positioned exactly between the sun and the earth. With this image in mind it is clear that we are fighting a natural and supernatural battle. That’s why we need natural and supernatural weapons.

Aging affects the immune system negatively (defined as Immunosenescence). This increases the susceptibility of elderly persons to infection, autoimmune disease and cancer. [2]

Fear, anxiety, inactivity and an unhealthy diet suppress our immune system and make us more vulnerable for (viral) diseases. [3]

The 4 Biblical & science based key pillars to boost your immune system are:

1. Prayer
2. Exercise
3. Sleep
4. Nutrition & supplements

1. Immune Boosting Prayer
Weapons: fear not, humble yourself and prayer and the blood of the lamb

Fear not!
The Bible calls on us not to fear but to turn to God. Fear is a weapon of the enemy. Fear and anxiety suppress us mentally, spiritually and physically.  That’s why the scripture calls us to FEAR NOT!

Humble yourself, prayer and seek His face

The blood of the Lamb.
President Trump declared Sunday,  March 15, 2020  a day of prayer for The United States of America, humbling ourselves before God. It was a type of ‘Passover’ as we see in Exodus 12.

Exodus12:7, 13 – 7 Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Karl Noten

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