Christian Mother Goes to Court After Being Sued by China’s Government for Homeschooling Her Child


Christian parents in China are paying close attention to a lawsuit filed by China’s communist government against a Christian mother who chose to homeschool her child instead of sending him to a public school.

The mother, identified as Fan Ruzhen, appeared in the Yintai District Court in Beihai on China’s southwest coast last week, according to the U.S.-based group China Aid.

After summoning her several times and threatening to revoke her government-provided subsistence paycheck to punish her for homeschooling or providing a Christian education to her child, the Chinese government filed a lawsuit against her last September.

In the first court session last December, Fan recited her rights and defended her competence to educate her child, the group said.

In a December hearing, the judge suggested the two parties reach a settlement, but the government wasn’t willing.

Her lawyer said the government violated the Compulsory Education Law of China by accusing her. And five teachers came out to support Christian education as a “solid alternative to public school,” but the government has refused to budge from its opposition.

Under Chinese law, all children must attend nine years of compulsory education from elementary school to the end of middle school. But homeschooling is now popularly seen as an alternative among parents opposed to the government curriculum or the country’s exam-oriented education system, according to the online magazine Sixth Tone.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Anugrah Kumar

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