Operation Blessing Teams Bring Medical, Protective Equipment and Hope to Philippines During COVID-19 Crisis


Operation Blessing is meeting several needs in the Philippine Islands where medical masks and other protective gear are in big demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

OB workers braved the threat of viral contraction when they delivered protective equipment to hospitals in Manila, giving away disposable head and shoe covers, gowns, masks, alcohol, gloves and soap.

Sulfate, ascorbic acid tablets and gospel tracts with Bible verse postcards were also distributed.

Dr. Rafael Martinez with Manila’s Valenzuela Hospital said the much-needed supplies will protect the individuals working on the frontline.

“It’s truly an honor and a blessing for us. This will help our frontliners in their protection against this coronavirus scare as of the moment.”
Operation Blessing will be making the distributions to 20 hospitals in the coming days.

A local pastor joins them at each distribution, leading the volunteers and hospital staff in prayer for the COVID-19 patients and the health care workers.

The virus has greatly affected the Philippine economy, and many families are facing financial hardships. 

Thanks to your ongoing support, Operation Blessing is actively working with distribution partners to make more supplies available for individuals in need during the coronavirus crisis. 

OB will continue monitoring this global pandemic to determine where help is needed most.

You can find out more about what Operation Blessing is doing by visiting ob.org.

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Source CBN

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