Texas Church Offers Grocery Relief During Pandemic


LONGVIEW, Texas (BP) — More than 100 at-risk families in Longview, Texas, have had one less thing to worry about in the last few days — how to acquire groceries during the COVID-19 pandemic. New Beginnings Baptist Church plans to ramp up its Grocery Relief Program to help 200 families each week throughout the crisis.

“There are kids and families who are being directly impacted by the coronavirus in ways that we cannot even imagine,” George Willis, pastor of missions and pastoral care said.

Facebook: “We see in the Gospels that Jesus runs to those who are sick. He meets the needs of those who are hurting. As Christians we do not run from the sick, we run toward them. And in times of crisis, we do not hoard our possessions, but we share them.

As he has helped get the program going, Willis has seen single parents, elderly people and widows trying to make adjustments to a new living situation without leaving their homes.

“When you donate groceries or come help volunteer to assemble and distribute groceries, the food goes to people who truly need the help,” he said.

New Beginnings is partnering with three local school districts to deliver food to 128 children enrolled in the schools’ Backpack Program while schools are closed. The program serves children who are at risk of going hungry on weekends and during the holidays. School staff identifies children who show signs of hunger and malnutrition and discreetly distribute a backpack of food for them to take home.

Source: Baptist Press

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