Charles Spurgeon on the Entertainment-Driven Church


The recent resurgence of Spurgeon study is a delight for those who appreciate his life and work. There is at least one clear reason for the rise of Spurgeon’s popularity: His day mirrors our day. Spurgeon saw all around him theological and moral decline. He was even asked once to preach at a circus but denied enthusiastically. Because Spurgeon spoke discerningly and clearly in his day, he speaks prophetically to our day. Charles saw the dangers of the entertainment in church. Even today, many churches are tempted by a form of the attractional model, seeking to lure devotees through prizes, expensive giveaways, games, fairs and promises of fun.

Lest we be tempted by the same schemes, Spurgeon rightly warns us of the danger in wielding Christ’s bride as a tool for frivolous amusement. An All-Round Ministry is a collection of Spurgeon’s Presidential Addresses at the Annual Conference of the Pastors’ College, from 1872-1890. In one of these sermons, “The Evils of the Present Time, and Our Object, Necessities and Encouragements,” Spurgeon presents several arguments against the entertainment-driven church.

What does Spurgeon have to say about the attractional church model?

Spurgeon remarks, “Within suitable bounds, recreation is necessary and profitable; but it never was the business of the Christian Church to supply the world with amusements.” Humans need leisure, and the church can be a place of rest and recreation with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our mission, however, is not to entertain the world; it is to save sinners through the preaching of the gospel. The world will provide entertainment and amusements enough. The church ’s distinct offering and singular mission is the soul-rescuing gospel of Jesus.

Spurgeon notes how one church put on a series of services focusing on special plays, concerts, recreational events, including rousing games of musical chairs. He laments that “this is to go on side by side with the preaching of Thy bleeding sacrifice, O Christ of God!”

Source: Church Leaders

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