Jeremy Camp Says the ‘Most Important Thing’ to Learn from Coronavirus is That ‘Jesus is In It All Right Here With Us’


Award-winning contemporary Christian singer Jeremy Camp and his wife, Adrienne, are encouraging Christians to stay focused of Jesus amid the coronavirus pandemic because He is “in it all, right here with us.”

In an interview with The Christian Post, Camp said he’s “learned a lot” about himself and the faithfulness of God as COVID-19 continues to sweep across the United States, causing thousands of deaths and prompting a record 6.6 million Americans to apply for unemployment in the last two weeks.

“In these times, I’ve loved John 16:33, where Jesus says we shouldn’t be surprised when we go through trials and says, ‘I tell you these things so you will have peace,’” Camp told CP. “He’s essentially telling us, ‘Guys, you’ll have trials in this life, whatever they may be. That’s a guarantee. But take heart: I’ve overcome the world.’”

“The reason we have trials,” the “I Still Believe” singer said, “is because we live in a fallen world. There will be sickness and death. There will be financial issues, unknowns, and confusion. But Jesus reminds us that even in all of that, He’s defeated death and the sting of death.”

Jesus’ promises are “key” to hold onto amid the uncertainty, fear, and anxiety surrounding the coronavirus, Camp said.

“We shouldn’t be surprised, but instead say to Jesus, ‘You will always be my source of everything,” he stressed. “If you look at God’s Word from Genesis through Revelation, Jesus is all through the Bible with various names: the Alpha and Omega, Shield of Comfort, Prince of Peace, the Way, the Truth, and the Life — He’s saying, ‘Whatever you need, that’s what I am.”

“That is the most important thing we need to learn from this virus. Whatever we need, Jesus is there. He’s in it all right here with us,” he added.

Camp’s wife of 16 years, Adrienne, offered said that in John 6, Jesus tells the Apostles, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.”

“The disciples go, ‘This is too weird,’ and many of Jesus’ followers bail in response,” she told CP, referencing verse 66. “So Jesus is sitting around with the other disciples and Peter says, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’”

“Essentially what Peter is saying is, ‘God, why are you allowing these things to happen?’” Adrienne contended. “In these times, we have a choice to make: We can run to the source of our problems — which is the enemy, Satan — and give up, or we can run to Jesus and say, ‘I don’t understand, but you have the words of eternal life.’”

SOURCE: Christian Post, Leah MarieAnn Klett

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