Sudan Weighing Bill Abolishing Apostasy Death Sentence


The shackles of tyranny are slowly falling off the Sudanese Church. Sudan’s transitional government is taking significant steps towards freedom ever since former dictator Omar al-Bashir was ousted last April.

Earlier this month, Sudan’s Minister of Religious Affairs Nasreldin Mofreh dissolved committees that were used by the Islamist regime to confiscate church properties – a move praised by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Now, Sudan’s Transitional Military Council has proposed a bill to remove the death penalty for apostasy. The bill would instead make it a crime to accuse someone of apostasy.

We spoke with Philemon*, a pastor in Sudan who says the Church shouldn’t waste the Gospel doors opening in Sudan.

“We are praying [about] what really we need to do. Maybe we need to have this opportunity to build churches that have no building, and to have an opportunity to share the Bible openly… and preach and go to some areas that we see [as] unreached areas.”

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Lyndsey Koh

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