John Kasich Says Coronavirus Pandemic Has Allowed Him to Rediscover His Faith in Jesus


Former Ohio Governor John Kasich said the fear and panic surrounding the new coronavirus pandemic led him to ask some deep questions about his faith in Jesus, which in turn renewed his confidence about what he believes in.

Writing for USA Today, the former presidential candidate admitted that he’s been “in and out of a funk these past weeks, ever since the full force of this global COVID-19 pandemic started to impact our communities here at home.”

In the midst of the spread of the disease, Kasich recalled he walked for over six miles, keeping a safe social distance from others and “the whole time thinking about where we were as a society and where I was with God.”

He spoke to Father Kevin Maney, from St. Augustine’s Anglican Church in Westerville, Ohio, about the “disconnect” he was feeling, “believing wholeheartedly in the resurrection of Christ and the promise of a new creation and a life after death, while at the same time harboring these feelings of fear and anxiety.”

“I told him that what had me frustrated was that it sometimes felt to me as if my faith was in my head and not in my heart.”

Maney responded to him, “It’s normal for us to be afraid, John. We’re born to live, not to die, so our focus should be on living, not dying.”

Kasich, a senior political contributor for CNN, said he shared about his sense of lacking in his faith also with his friend Tom Barrett, whose wife never complained or questioned her faith despite having and eventually dying of cancer.

SOURCE: Christian Post, Anugrah Kumar

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