Michael Brown on An Orthodox Jew and a Messianic Jew Denounce ‘Christian’ Anti-Semitism


In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, we all pray and guard our behaviors in order to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and of our neighbors to prevent its spreading. Meanwhile, noted anti-Semitic “Christian pastor” and “broadcaster” Rick Wiles has proven that while there will be a cure for coronavirus, there is no cure for the older and no less deadly virus of Jew-hatred.

Most recently, Wiles said that the coronavirus is spreading via synagogues and is a punishment from God. “Stay out of those things; there’s a plague in them. God’s dealing with false religions,” he said in a broadcast on his network that’s become one of the leading propagators of anti-Semitism. “God’s dealing with people who oppose His son, Jesus Christ. He’s dealing with the forces of antichrist. And there’s a plague moving upon the earth right now, and the people that are going into the synagogues are coming out of the synagogues with the virus.”

Also blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jewish organizations, Wiles said, “Let me tell you, Mr. Netanyahu, God is spreading it in your synagogues. You’re under judgment because you oppose His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Wiles’ recent comments are not unique. One might say he’s never met, or invented, an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that he didn’t like. He’s gone so far as to blame the fumbled Iowa caucus results earlier this year on “the Jews.”

Before the outbreak of the deadly virus, Wiles demonstrated the unique and paradoxical ability of being an anti-Semitic political contortionist, blaming “the Jews” for controlling both the political right and the political left. One glaring example is his blaming “the Jews” for the failure of the app that was used to count Iowa caucus votes, with the contradiction that “the Jews” also wanted to promote the success of openly gay, former presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg. That these are in open contradiction (the failure of the app that was used to promote a candidacy of someone who did well in Iowa) demonstrates how Wiles has found a way to make his anti-Semitic cake and eat it too, with a cherry on top.

And of course, he perpetuates the baseless claim embraced by anti-Semitic adherents of replacement theology over the millennia that “the Jews” killed Jesus, ultimately meaning that all Jews through all generations are responsible for the death of Jesus. With Easter coming, the time when Christians celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection, calling out “Pastor Wiles” has never been more timely or critical, as he, quite horrifically, carries out his dangerous incitement in Jesus’ name, the name in which countless anti-Semitic pogroms and murders have taken place. This is the perfect time to renounce such non-Christian madness.

SOURCE: Charisma News

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