Thirty Free Images For Your Church’s Social Media Pages by The Creative Pastor


From The Creative Pastor – One of my favorite parts of creative ministry is participating in social media. I have had great success in using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to fulfill three major communication goals for my church, Piedmont Chapel:

• Create positive brand recognition with outsiders (marketing)
• Create buzz, inform, and enrich the lives of attendees (communication)
• Spread positive messages of faith, hope, and love to the world (evangelism)

One of the best methods that I’ve found to accomplish these goals is to post catchy, yet meaningful text images. Our church family loves these images and, even better, loves to share them whenever we post them.

We realize that not every church has graphic designers like we do, so our creative team at Piedmont Chapel put together a pack of our 30 favorite social images just for you to use!


Feel free to post these on any of your social pages as you see fit. We like to include our church’s logo on the bottom of ours, so don’t hesitate to do the same. You can see how we use them on our FacebookTwitter, and Instagram pages.

Here are few examples of the images included in this pack: Click here to see