Christians in Northern Kenya Face Two Threats: Coronavirus and Al-Shabaab


Christians in northern Kenya face a dual threat of the coronavirus and a terrorist organization demanding that they leave.

It can seem like the world has stopped in its tracks the last few weeks, but that is not the case. In Kenya, terrorist group Al-Shabaab has demanded that Christians leave three northern provinces.

Greg Musselman of Voice of the Martyrs Canada says we can’t forget about our brothers and sisters in Kenya who are suffering.  He says, “Al-Shabaab [has] of course lost ground in Somalia, which is where they come from, so they’re hitting other Eastern African areas like Kenya and Ethiopia. And the sad part is that the Somalis that have gone to Kenya are trying to flee groups like Al-Shabaab.”

Christians in Kenya help these people by setting up schools and access to medicine, But Al-Shabaab doesn’t want that to happen. They even incited these refugees from Somalia against the Christians and other teachers and workers. The terrorist group claims these people are taking the jobs of Muslims.

But ironically, the absence of teachers will hurt the economy of the region. Musselman says, “Again, this is the kind of situations that Christians are facing every day, along with some of the issues with the virus as well.”

“These guys are not that patient,” Musselman says. “They will want to act on it. We are hearing some things that are going on in the area, [and] it’s making the people nervous.”

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Kevin Zeller

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