If You Have Not Decided How You Are Going to Attend Services on Easter Sunday Morning, Join Thousands From Around the World at GoToChurchOnline.tv


Thousands already attend church online at GoToChurchOnline.tv . Because of the Coronavirus plague which has swept over the world, millions are being forced to attend church online.

If you do not already have a permanent church home to attend online, please visit Go To Church Online and choose from one of the many churches broadcasting services via the internet to worship our risen Lord and Savior from the comfort and safety of your home.

GoToChurchOnline.TV brings churches in America and around the world into one central location so that believers and seekers can attend church from wherever they are in the world. Here are the top 20 most popular churches on GoToChurchOnline.tv (especially since the Coronavirus plague started):

Don’t let religious persecution, disability or a deadly virus keep you back from the house of God. If you are a true worshiper, you don’t need to be in a physical church building being seen by other people to worship God. A true worshiper will make their home or living space a place where God dwells as well. Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). With GoToChurchOnline.tv you can go to the church of your choice from wherever you are in the world (and don’t forget to invite a friend)!

If you do not see your church on GoToChurchOnline.tv and you want it made available on the site, it can be added for only $400.00 per month or for $3800.00 per year, which is a $1000 discount if a whole year is paid for upfront. If payment is made today before 11:00 ET, your church can be made available on GoToChurchOnline.tv in time for Easter Sunday. If interested, please send your email address, church website and livestream address, and a copy of your church’s statement of faith along with payment via PayPal for the month or year-long option of your choice to [email protected]

All Content & Images are provided by the acknowledged source