Rusty Wright on Managing Your Coronavirus Fears


Coronavirus has spawned fears galore.  Infection and death numbers soar.  People wonder:  Will I catch it?  Will my loved ones?  Will it kill us?  Will I survive economically?  Layoffs and roller-coaster financial markets escalate apprehension.


So, how many of these coronavirus fear factors apply to you?

Dreams can die.  Sports seasons are cancelled.  The Olympics are postponed.  Aspiring stars find themselves with no stage for displaying their talents.  Graduating university students find excellent corporate job offers rescinded.  Projects involving public events or face-to-face interaction are scuttled.  Movie theaters go dark, affecting production, promotion, and popcorn sales.  Restaurants focus on takeout.  Vacations are cancelled.

And the grocery stores… Tired of trying to buy toilet paper?  Or hand sanitizer?  A local Walmart distributes sanitary wipes to entering customers – one sheet per person, to wipe your cart handles – but good luck trying to find any to purchase.

Got cabin fever?  Social isolation can make you feel unattached and depressed.  Boredom – or COVID-19 TV saturation – prompts some sports junkies to binge on reruns of their team’s glory days.


SOURCE: Assist News Service, Rusty Wright

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