Max Lucado on Easter Cannot be Canceled


There has been much discussion recently over what to believe. Are the coronavirus numbers accurate? Are the reports from other countries dependable? Dare we be optimistic about treatments and vaccines?

Like you, I’ve struggled to separate caution from overreaction.

There was one headline, however, that we can quickly discard. Don’t believe it. Don’t fall for it. The message just ain’t true. Here it is: “Easter Canceled.” The article detailed the sad reality that most church sanctuaries will be closed this coming Sunday. Hence, the announcement, “Easter Canceled.”

Hence, my reply, “Not on your life, friend.”

Easter cannot be canceled. The church doors might be closed, but the promise is alive and well. What the angel said on the first Easter, he says still.

“He is not here. He is risen from the dead as he said he would” (Mt. 28:6).

It was Sunday morning after the Friday execution. Jesus’ final breath had sucked the air out of the universe. As his body lay breathless in the grave, no one was placing bets on a resurrection.

His enemies were satisfied with their work. They raised a toast to a dead Jesus. Their only concern was those pesky disciples. The religious leaders made this request of Pilate, “So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead” (Mt. 27:64).

No concern was necessary. The disciples were at meltdown. When Jesus was arrested, “All the disciples forsook Him and fled” (Mt. 26:56). They cowered in Jerusalem’s cupboards and corners for fear of the cross that bore their name.

No one dreamed of a Sunday morning miracle. Peter didn’t ask John, “What will you say when you see Jesus?” Mary didn’t ponder, “How will he appear?” They didn’t encourage each other with quotes of his promised return. They could have. At least four times Jesus said words like these: “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise the third day.”[1] You’d think someone would mention this prophecy and do the math. “Hmm, he died yesterday, today is the second day. He promised to rise on the third day. Tomorrow is the third day… Friends, I think we better wake up early tomorrow.”

But Saturday saw no such plans. On Saturday, the enemy had won, courage was gone, and hope caught the last train to the coast. On Sunday, the women went to the tomb to embalm Christ, not talk to him. But then they saw and heard the angel.

“He has risen.”

SOURCE: Christian Post, Max Lucado

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