The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona Prays for The Power of God to Be Shown Amid Coronavirus


The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic.”  This wonderful story of how a Christian hospital is serving COVID-19 patients comes to us from the Evangelical News Service.

Health professionals are the ones who directly witness the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in the population. Long working hours are combined with constant exposure to the virus combined with a deep perception of death/  This requires much more than medical skills.  Managing the situation with emotional sensitivity and spiritual strength is also a challenge for healthcare workers.

An example of this is the Nou Hospital Evangèlic (New Evangelical Hospital), in Barcelona, Spain. It is receiving patients diagnosed with the Covid-19 to “support other hospitals that receive the greatest number of cases, so that they, in their turn, can serve more people”. “We have an area for these cases and that is already completely full, so we have had to designate new space,” said the hospital’s manager, Reyes Gualda.

The situation requires an extraordinary effort from the entire hospital, both the medical and cleaning personnel. Basic materials are scarce, they admit. In this complicated scenario, all planning is continually modified to fit changing needs. That is why the Nou Hospital Evangèlic states that they do not know “what will happen in the coming days” and ask for “prayer so that the team knows how to remain calm, have a clear vision and be successful in decision-making.”

The Nou Hospital Evangèlic explained that they have had to hire more people. “We are looking for people to work in the hospital. We need more nurses,” their spokesman said.  Despite the fact that they have a special isolated area for COVID-19,  up to 40% of the health workers at the center are affected by the virus and 25% are in quarantine.  Most are waiting on the results of their test.

SOURCE: Assist News, Jeff Thompson

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