Arise Shine Global Missions Conference 2020

Arise Shine Global Missions Conference 2020 - The Christian Mail
Arise Shine Global Missions Conference 2020 Bringing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to every community in these changing times.

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About this Event

If you have a heart to see the gospel shining throughout communities in every nation, this conference will give you access to learn from like-minded leaders who are taking action and experiencing breakthrough in evangelism and discipleship even in the midst of challenges.

✔️ Refresh and reposition yourself and your ministry to be effective at making disciples that make disciples.

✔️ Realign with God’s vision of reconciling the world back to Himself.

✔️ Learn how to execute fresh perspectives and strategies in church planting in this new season.

This conference will move us forward to rise above our situation and shine the light of Jesus in our communities. We will be reminded that He has given us the capacity, the resources and the anointing to do His will.

Church Multiplication Coalition (CMC) International is organizing and hosting this event. CMC is composed of Christ followers from numerous church affiliations working together as Kingdom-minded servant leaders to plant reproducing churches in communities that do not have a church by the power of the Holy Spirit.

​CMC is present in over 60 nations with leaders overseeing regions within South and Central America, Africa and Asia.



Jonathan Morris is the Director and Founder of Church Multiplication Coalition International. He also serves as a senior pastor at his local church in California and as a missional visionary. His heart and vision to see Jesus worshipped in every community throughout the world moved him to urge churches, ministries and believers to work together in planning, outreach and ultimately church planting. Since 2006 he has helped form thousands of networks of collaborating ministries in over 60 nations. These networks have started discipleship and church planting movements in many areas worldwide. Pastor Jonathan will be sharing 5 core attributes that will empower the global church to become most effective in seeing individuals, communities and nations reconciled back to relationship with God through Jesus.


Jill Boyonas is the Director of CMC Asia and also a local pastor based in the Philippines. His consistent stride to make Jesus known has impacted a whole nation. He has seen multitudes make decisions to follow Jesus and thousands of churches planted throughout the Philippines as he travels from village to village. Jill’s unshakeable vision for evangelism and church planting is sure to encourage you and challenge you to take action.


Marcy Babor has been living in Asia over the past 15 years focusing on training, coaching and mentoring leaders in evangelism and church planting movements. She has a heart to see the church rise up and make Jesus known. Her experience working in multiple countries with different cultural and religious atmospheres has given her insight to the transformational power of the gospel in spite of contextual differences.


Godfrey Mwesige Saazi is a local pastor and spiritual father in East Africa. As the Director of CMC Sub-Saharan Africa he leads thousands of pastors and ministers in missional strategy throughout several nations. Godfrey is based in Uganda, and is constantly thinking of ways to reach out to a neighbor or a nation with the gospel message. He uses multiple platforms to share the Word of God, and travels extensively to encourage and train others to do the same. His servant leadership style has helped him to partner with many different ministries to bring the Gospel to communities that did not have a church before.


Mezgebu Tsemru is the Director of CMC Horn of Africa based in Ethiopia. While pastoring his own church, he has also been training believers in evangelism and discipleship. He is mobilizing them to reach both their realm of influence and specific communities that do not have access to the gospel or discipleship. Pastor Mezgebu has helped start and multiply movements both in villages and university campuses in Ethiopia. He will be sharing from his experience the importance of training and releasing believers to form their own discipleship or Bible study groups.


Víctor Chong is the Director of CMC Latin America based in Ecuador. While Victor is a local pastor, he is also pursuing a vision to see 100 multiplying disciples in 25 countries every 2 years. This strategy has resulted in thousands of multiplying believers in Latin America! He empowers pastors and leaders with practical strategies and spiritual guidance. He gives all of his strength and focus to reach the unreached with the power of the gospel in Latin America. Pastor Victor is a disciple of Christ, who will share from experience how to make disciples in the way of Jesus.

November 21, 2020


5 AM – 8 AM Los Angeles, CA, USA

8 AM – 11 AM New York, USA

4 PM – 7PM Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

5 PM – 8 PM Dubai, UAE

8 PM – 11 PM Bangkok, Thailand

9 PM – 12 PM Philippines and Singapore