WAFBEC_2021 - The Christian Mail

WAFBEC 2021 – Manifesting His KINGDOM

Visit the Events website – www.wafbec.org


WAFBEC is a faith Conference born in worship and intercession designed to address eternal issues and also things that are going on in time. It is prophetic, relevant and an impartation of grace. We pray, we teach and we prophesy.
Nigeria hosts some of the largest and most powerful ministries in the world today. This did not happen by chance. It is the product of definite seeds that were sown in the country at a specific period of time in our nation’s history.
Indeed, the Bible speaks about a time to plant and a time to reap that which is planted. There was a planting season when a belief system founded upon the knowledge of certain truths within the Scriptures was established. It was a time when the weightier matters of the law were clearly taught.
Then came the time to reap; a time when people started harvesting great results from the lives of those that embraced and understood the truths while they were being sown.
Round about the early 70′s a wind of the Spirit began to blow over the land. Young men and women started to express a new belief system which they had called getting-born-again. It was known as the SU movement, fashioned after the name of the principal organization behind it – the Scripture Union. The conscience of young people had come alive and a heightened emphasis on godliness and character was established. Consequently, the hope that this new birth experience would become the moral force of the Nation was born, and the moral compass of what would later grow and develop had been set.
By the late 70′s into the early 80′s another move was initiated, it seemed headquartered in Tulsa Oklahoma under the leadership of Kenneth Hagin. It first started to sweep through campuses in institutions of higher learning such as the University of Benin, Obafemi Awolowo University, University of Lagos, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, University of Ibadan, Ahmadu Bello University, Ambrose Alli University and many others.
All of which started receiving the content of this movement through the printed page.
Books like, How to be led by the Spirit of God, The Two Kinds of Righteousness, The Art of Intercession, The Faith That Moves Mountains, The Blood Covenant, How to Turn Your Faith Loose and The Authority of the Believer became must-reads. The saying; “the just shall live by his own faith” became the anthem of the day. The individual’s access to his God, as well as his ability to hear from Him directly and receive revelation knowledge from the Scriptures, was established. Simply put, the charismatic pentecostal movement had been born!
The emphasis will be on God’s Word and the move of the Spirit. There will be 70 Sessions teaching God’s Word.
The format will be teaching conferences in the morning where every aspect of the truth will be taught, followed by evening meetings where the ministration of the Word will be combined with the move of the Holy Spirit.
The morning sessions will impart the complete knowledge of the foundational truths for an effective Christian walk.
Leaders from this Movement who had acquired skills of the practice of the knowledge of the truths began to establish what is known today as mega-churches in major cities across the nation. The foundation was laid on a deep interaction with the Holy Spirit by long hours of prayer and meditation on the Word of God. We believe that the planting season is back in Nigeria and the seeds that will produce a finer harvest and a form of the Faith for years to come must be sown.
The fundamentals and the foundational truths of the Faith movement and the promise attached to them will be recaptured at the West Africa Faith Believers Convention – WAFBEC 2013.
Leaders of this movement in Nigeria will be joined by the regular speakers at the Kenneth Hagin camp meetings in the last 5 years