Daniel Whyte III again Warns the Church to Avoid in-Person Services and to Continue Online Services for the Foreseeable Future


In Light of the New India Delta Variant, Daniel Whyte III Again Warns the Church to Avoid in-person Services and to Continue Online Services for the Foreseeable Future as Dr. Fauci Declares Delta Variant ‘Greatest Threat’ to the Nation’s Efforts to Eliminate the Coronavirus Plague. Daniel Whyte III sends this warning especially to black and brown churches because we are the most vulnerable, to white evangelical churches because many still follow trump’s mentality and have not gotten the vaccine, and to charismatic churches, because many are still talking foolishly, crossing the line between faith and foolishness, not realizing this plague is against the church and that is why so many in the church have died. people, don’t get caught up in the euphoria of the world listening to false prophets and politicians with their happy talk, crying “Peace, peace; when there is no peace.”

White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday the highly contagious delta variant is the “greatest threat” to the nation’s attempt to eliminate Covid-19.

Delta, first identified in India, now makes up about 20% of all new cases in the United States, up from 10% about two weeks ago, Fauci said during a White House news conference on the pandemic.

He said delta appears to be “following the same pattern” as alpha, the variant first found in the U.K., with infections doubling in the U.S. about every two weeks.

“Similar to the situation in the U.K., the delta variant is currently the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate Covid-19,” he said. Read more …