New BOOK : Precious in the Sight of the Lord – by Vivan Lynn

Precious in the Sight of the Lord - by Vivan Lynn - The Christian Mail

Precious in the Sight of the Lord; A Collection of Matthew Henry’s Reflections on Death, Dying, and the Christian Experience.”

Book Description:

The book is an unexhausted collection of reflections on death and dying by one of the most trusted and beloved theologians of all times, Matthew Henry. Every reflection expounds on a particular scripture verse, or verses, which relate to dying and death. All of Matthew Henry’s reflections provide scholarly scriptural support and offer scriptural cross-references.

This short collection, one hundred and fifty-three pages in all, is presented in a devotional format. However, instead of searching an index for related reflections scattered throughout the book, Matthew Henry’s related reflections are grouped into seven chapters; The Entrance of Death, Because He Lives, A Dying Jesus, As We Come Dying, The Road We Travel, Returning Our Dust, and Our Inheritance.

The book will be a valued resource to lay ministers, bible teachers, students of religion, and grief counsellors.

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Precious in the Sight of the Lord - by Vivan Lynn - The Christian Mail

Excerpt of a Book

To everything, there is a season, and a time to every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted (Ecclesiastes 3:2 NRSV).

 “There is a time to be born and a time to die. These are determined by the divine counsel, and as we are born, so must we die at the time appointed (Acts 17:26). … But, as there is a time to be born and a time to die, so there will be a time to rise again, a set time when those that lie in the grave shall be remembered.” Taken from Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:1-10, 2.1.

Precious in the Sight of the Lord, is a collection of Matthew Henry’s reflections on what the scriptures speak to each Christian concerning their death and dying season. Matthew Henry gives a solid scriptural foundation for hope and comfort to those who are dying, facing a loved one’s death, or who desire clear and faithful information concerning a Christian’s death and dying season. A trusted scholarly theologian, Matthew Henry’s reflections expound on a particular scripture verse or verses related to death and dying. He provides scriptural support for every reflection and offers cross-references for the reader’s further review.

The collection’s table of content provides not only a listing of the chapters but also a brief description of the chapter’s theme with a relevant short quote. Precious in the Sight of the Lord - by Vivan Lynn - The Christian Mail

Chapter 1: The Entrance of Death. Why did death enter the world? Matthew Henry analyzes the creation of man and explains man’s spiritual and physical makeup. He shows us why death entered the world.

Chapter 2: Because He Lives. What does it mean to die as a member of the Christian body of faith? Matthew Henry speaks to the Christian’s transformation from spiritual death to spiritual life, the certainty of the resurrection of the saints based on Christ’s resurrection, and the separation of the soul from the body at death.

Chapter 3: A Dying Jesus. Is there a spiritual model for the individual Christian’s dying journey and death? Matthew Henry illuminates the divinely chosen activities and words of Jesus during his dying season.

Chapter 4: As We Come Dying. How did the Bible’s greats, beloveds, and patriarchs respond in their dying seasons? Matthew Henry expounds on activities patriarchs participated in during their dying season. Are these patterns we should adopt in our dying seasons?

Chapter 5: The Road We Travel. Matthew Henry speaks to us of the concerns of Christians dying by the way of old age and those dying by the way of sickness.

Chapter 6: Returning Our Dust. The chapter sets forth some of the patriarchs’ burials.

Chapter 7: Our Inheritance. Matthew Henry presents Christ as the first of our inheritance. He gives a scriptural foundation for our inheriting of heaven.

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