Singer/Songwriter Tamara L. Wilson Releases New Single “The Lord’s Prayer”

The Lord’s Prayer - by Tamara L. Wilson - The Christian Mail

On the heels of her critically acclaimed 4th EP “Let It Go”, singer/songwriter Tamara L. Wilson released a spiritually inspired new single “The Lord’s Prayer” on December 19th.

Says Tamara, “The inspiration for the music to ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ came to me from out of the blue! Early morning I awoke to the sound of music playing in my mind, and soon realized it was the music to ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. You see, I had been (and still am) saying this prayer morning and night. I spent the next eight days, morning, noon and night, working to record what I was hearing. With the help of my studio engineer, Tim Norris, it was ready for production.”

This rough draft was sent to the incredible talents of Joey Stuckey, Tom Rule, and Zack Crawford. Tom Rule did an outstanding job on piano, Zack programmed an awesome hip-hop groove, Joey laid down bass, then Zack brought it altogether in the mix. Doug Diamond did the final polish with the mastering.

Says Tamara, “Let me further give thanks to the beloved Elohim of Music, Mighty Cyclopea, as it was on His line of ‘the clock’ that the inspiration came. I am talking about ‘the Cosmic Clock’ teachings given by Mother Mary to Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Here is the link to the book if you are interested in learning more: Awesome book!”

Watch the video for “The Lord’s Prayer”:

Spreading love and positive vibes is Tamara L. Wilson’s mission for her music; and it’s a breath of fresh air. Her party started when she was only a girl, singing along with her ‘Papa’ and her Dad, in their down-home sing-alongs playing their guitars and singing gospel and country music. Tamara’s journey has always led her back to the melodies of her heart and soul.

Growing up in South Carolina, she started out singing locally and then worked the Marriott circuit for a while as a performing artist. Her songwriting really began to unfold while attending a community college in Mesa, AZ where she studied recording and piano. As soon as her hands hit the keys, she was awakened to her natural and God given talent of crafting a soulful song using her heartfelt vocals. Tamara’s true heart’s desire is to make others feel better and have a little fun while discovering her music.

“The Lord’s Prayer” along with the Instrumental version are Tamara’s latest works to be released. To date Tamara has released a full album “Paradise”, four EPs “Freedom”, “Your Own Kind Of Beautiful”, “A New World”, and “Let It Go”; plus six singles which include her latest releases along with “Freedom Flame”, “I and The Father”, “Time”, and “Little More Love”. She’s now on her way to the shallow end of the pool for a little fun and romance in her coming songs. Be on the lookout for these new releases beginning Spring of 2022.

In closing Tamara has this to impart, “I can only say that being blessed with the privilege of bringing the music to this powerful prayer to life, is truly an honor… As for what is next…well, first I need a minute! This project was a lot of hard work. Then, next I will be working on some fun and romantic songs at the shallow end of the pool. Been in some deep water; ready to lighten up and float for a while! Some of these songs will have a hip-hop groove, which is kinda fun to venture into; and some will have a more straight ahead country-pop crossover feel.”

Here’s what the press has said about Tamara L. Wilson:

“North Carolinian singer-songwriter’s fourth mini-album sends good vibes out to the world to establish her listener’s well-being.” – Let It Rock, Canada

“This is a well-produced album with a brilliant performance, creative songwriting talent and a superb recording.” – Oasis Entertainment, USA

“Tamara sings about being proud of who you are, no matter what anyone else thinks…a jolt of positivity that everyone could use right now.” – JP’s Music Blog, USA

To purchase Tamara L. Wilson’s “Let It Go” EP: