Michelle Williams of Renew Life Healing to be Featured on Close Up Radio

Renew Healing - Michelle Williams

Being in complete alignment helps improve your health, mindset, prosperity, relationships, joy, and well-being, allowing you to live your best life with ease and grace.

Michelle Williams is an intuitive energy healer and the founder of Renew Life Healing, were she helps her clients create a divine life of healing, transformation and abundance.

“Renewing your life means coming into a whole new aspect of life,” says Michelle, “but it’s really about rediscovering yourself.”

Renew Life Healing specializes in Life Transformation using the Law of Attraction: the idea that we attract what we put out from an energy perspective. Michelle works with her clients to create positive energy in their world so they can attract what they want in life.

“The energy we give is the energy we receive,” says Michelle, “Let the Law of Attraction work for you.”

Michelle’s clients are typically people who are facing challenges in life, either with health, relationships or money, or they feel stuck, like they’re just not moving forward. Stagnant. She even helps business owners come into true alignment with their business vision, allowing them to bring in their perfectly aligned clients.

According to Michelle, these challenges are from subconscious limiting beliefs that they don’t realize are holding them back in life. Together, Michelle and her clients figure out what those beliefs are, and she uses different techniques to shift, change and remove them, allowing her clients to move forward in alignment allowing life to flow easily.

“Only by healing on all levels can we experience true life changing transformation,” says Michelle.

Michelle helps her clients conquer their challenges from the subconscious level, the physical body level and the soul level, and incorporates a number of energy healing modalities in her work, including Rapid Transformational Therapy, Spiritual Response Therapy, ThetaHealing, Diamond Dowsing, as well as The Emotion Code and the Body Code.

Each modality heals on different levels: ThetaHealing is about changing beliefs and clearing energy we’ve inherited at the DNA level; The Emotion Code and the Body Code are removing imbalances in the body caused by trapped emotions; Spiritual Response Therapy offers deep soul level healing; Diamond Dowsing removes negative energies from the environment and the Earth that could be causing harm in many ways.

“I’m constantly learning and continuing to expand my toolbox to make sure I can give my clients whatever they need,” says Michelle. “I am proud that I was able to figure out how to make deep transformation in my life so I can help other people do the same in an easy way.”

Close Up Radio will feature Michelle Williams in an interview with Jim Masters on January 24th at 2pm EST

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information, visit www.renewlifehealing.com

Michelle Williams