Salem Baptist Church to sponsor gas card giveaway, starting on June 25

salem baptist church gas card giveaway

Salem Baptist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, USA will be sponsoring a gas card giveaway in the church parking lot Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. until all gas cards are distributed.

Senior Pastor of the Church, Rev. Dr. Selwyn Q. Bachus said “ Salem recognizes that rising inflation has impacted gas prices, creating day-to-day strain on resources for many families across our community. We want to express God’s love and support during these challenging times by providing a gas card giveaway to offer some relief,” and  “We look forward to helping our community fill their gas tanks.”

For more information about the gas card giveaway, contact Min. Brandon Whitaker, youth adult pastor at (734) 644-2855 or Tammy Brown, church treasurer, at (402) 321-3602.

About the Salem Baptist Church
Led by Rev. Dr. Selwyn Q. Bachus, the Salem Baptist Church is transforming lives by Exalting the Savior, Evangelizing the Lost, Equipping the Saints and Expanding the Kingdom of God. Located at 3131 Lake Street in Omaha, Salem is home to the largest African American church population in the State of Nebraska. The church was founded in 1922 and has played important roles in the history of African Americans in Omaha, and in the city’s religious community. Church leadership has impacted the city in a variety of ways. Long-time Pastor Rev. J.C. Wade was recognized in the Congressional Record in 2000.