Life’s Purpose: Why It Really, Really Matters

Life’s Purpose: Why It Really, Really Matters

Finding life’s meaning and purpose is a complete full circle in a person’s life. How to find it can be challenging, but a challenge that’s worthwhile that everyone should undertake at one point in their lives. 

“Do you have a purpose in life?”

It’s a profound question that goes deep into the core of every person. This also raises the question of “do we really need to have a purpose in life?” or “how can we tell which purpose we are destined for?” In Dr. Julius Mosley II’s book Living Life With Blinders On, the author touches on life founded on God’s plan for mankind. The book gives a glimpse of how the author, at a young age, was already seeking the reason for his existence.

But why do people endeavor to search for their life’s purpose? What is it in finding life’s meaning that is so endearing to the point of being crucial that some people would invest their whole life in this search?

“A purpose-driven life”

People often get involved in the journey of finding their life’s meaning and purpose because of the “journey” itself, of the process of getting to the answers that sometimes seemed to be elusive and hidden. Rather than the result, it is the idea that the road towards the goal of discovering life’s purpose is worthwhile to be trodden upon. This is how the concept of a “purpose-driven life” came to be.

Life by itself is already complicated enough. With all the mix and jumble of problems coming from all directions, it’s hard to think and see through the chaos. Most of the time, people get lost and forget why they do what they do. Without a clear and unshakeable purpose and reason, it’s easy to fall prey to confusion and anxiety — a road that could shake up one’s overall well-being.

That’s the importance of discovering life’s purpose. That purpose would serve as a beacon even on the person’s darkest nights. It would help them pull through, stay focused and consistent, and achieve that goal they have set out for.

How to find your life’s purpose

Finding one’s life purpose can be challenging because a lot of thought processes go into the search. This process is not a one-size-fits-all. After all, each individual is unique, with a unique set of profile and demographics, unique goals and aspirations, and a unique set of dreams. And a life’s purpose is often tied up to a personal goal.

Here are some tips that can start people off on the search to finding their life’s meaning or purpose.

Focus on your passion

It all starts with that simple spark of interest. It begins with igniting a passion. The search for one’s meaning and purpose in life is connected to what they are passionate about in reality. Focusing on that passion is a good step towards self-discovery. The person should have a clear understanding and awareness of what they love doing and whom they love in their life. How strong and passionate a person is about their interest will serve them well when faced with obstacles and will keep them focused, consistent, and motivated throughout the journey of self-discovery.

Discover a community

Be with like-minded people. One of the reasons why a community that shares the same passion and interest is essential in the search for life’s purpose is that this group will help keep a person inspired and motivated, not to mention relaxed and at ease with themselves. These people can be the supporting factor that enables a person to take every step moving forward. Since they all share the same interests, it’s easy for them to help propel and pull each other towards their individual goals.

Embrace gratitude like a second-skin 

Journeying towards finding life’s purpose entails that the person should have the right mindset to keep them grounded throughout the journey. Practicing gratitude is one of the best practices that can hold a person focused on their goal of finding that sense of purpose. Cultivating a thankful and appreciative attitude can lead to acts of generosity and kindness and even propagate positive thoughts and feelings towards oneself – all of which are instrumental and effective for self-discovery.

Be flexible and open to feedback

“No man is an island.” This adage applies to the self-discovery process. An essential key in the journey to oneself is personal growth. Personal growth means developing a person to become a better version of themselves. This process requires being flexible and open to criticism and feedback. Every bit of feedback is needed so that the person can identify in themselves what are their strengths and weaknesses. Because discovering one’s purpose in life is being open to all possibilities that can make one whole and complete as a person.

Finding life’s purpose, albeit challenging, should not be an impossible thing to do. The road may not always be smooth and perfect, and people would probably get knocked off the course now and then. But then again, it’s that first step that’s always difficult, and it’s that first step that matters in the process. Taking that step shows a person’s determination to discover their life meaning. That life-purpose-discovery process is what really, really matters in the end.

Author : Dr Julius Mosley II