Billy Graham’s Internet Evangelism Hits Milestone : 5 Million Decisions for Christ


BGEA]—It’s still dark outside when Janet Wright takes a seat at her large, wooden desk.

She begins typing on the laptop in front of her as a cat curls up in a black cushioned office chair nearby. Wright is in her office at home in Texas, chatting online with a woman halfway across the world—and leading her to a relationship with Christ.

Wright is one of more than 330 trained volunteers with BGEA’s Internet evangelism ministry, Search for Jesus. And one of many who are part of a new ministry milestone: 5 million decisions for Christ. That’s like filling New York’s Yankee Stadium 100 times with people who have said “yes” to Christ.

“Five million is exciting,” Internet Evangelism Director John Cass said as the ministry approached this milestone, “but a second later, a minute later, somebody else is going to make a decision, and that’s just as exciting.”

The ministry hit the milestone Monday morning.

BGEA launched Search for Jesus (SFJ) in April 2011, building upon decades of Billy Graham’s multimedia ministry by using the Internet to share the love of Christ across the United States and around the world.

Through SFJ’s evangelistic website,, people of all ages are seeing and hearing a clear Gospel message through videos and Scripture. The website allows them to commit their lives to Christ or ask a question.

More than 25 million people have been exposed to the Gospel since the ministry began, with many receiving one-on-one discipleship and free follow-up materials.

The individual interaction comes through SFJ’s trained volunteers across the country. They serve as e-counselors, chatting live with people on; as discipleship coaches, guiding people through a free, online discipleship course called; or as email responders, answering spiritual questions and pointing people to Christ…Read More

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