Liberty Counsel Launches Twelfth Annual Christmas Campaign


Liberty Counsel launched its Twelfth Annual Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign, pledging to be a “Friend” to those who recognize Christmas and a “Foe” to those who censor it.

This year, employees from the Denver Post contacted Liberty Counsel after receiving a memo banning them from writing or using cards that say “Merry Christmas.” Often newspaper carriers will leave Christmas Cards in the mailboxes of those they serve. The Denver Post will provide its postal workers “Holiday Cards” to hand out and threatened anyone giving out different cards with firing. Federal regulations state that employers must make reasonable efforts to accommodate the sincerely held religious beliefs of their employees. It is ludicrous to threaten termination for wishing someone a “Merry Christmas,” a federal holiday.

Liberty Counsel has helped overturn a number of grinch-like decisions, including nativity scenes which were banned from public property, senior living centers banning elderly residents from singing Christmas carols, public schools which sought to ban students from wearing the Christmas colors of red and green, school officials who censored religious words from Christmas carols, companies which renamed Christmas trees to “holiday trees,” and Christmas parades renamed to “holiday” parades. In all of these situations, Liberty Counsel successfully educated and reversed these anti-Christmas sentiments.

As part of the annual “Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign,” Liberty Counsel publishes a “Naughty and Nice” list, which catalogs retailers who either censor (“naughty”) or recognize (“nice”) Christmas. The list is compiled from information gathered by individual consumers and is updated whenever new information is received. Liberty Counsel wants to give the gift of Christmas back to those who support it.

Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989, by providing pro bono legal assistance and representation on these and related topics.

Source and Original Content by BCNN1