You are the Builder of Your Home (Part 1) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo


Topic: You are the Builder of Your Home (1)

Dear Reader,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. By the special grace of God, all through this month, I shall be discussing on You are the Builder of your Home. This week, I shall be discussing one of such vital keys, which is wisdom.


Wisdom is hearing the sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ and doing them. It is the correct application of knowledge. It demands that you take correct steps in line with all you will learn from God this month concerning your home. Only then, can you begin to reap the fruits of a sweet and a successful home. The Bible says: Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock (Matthew 7:24). The place of wisdom in building a successful home cannot be overemphasized. The Word of God says: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7).

Wisdom is the principal thing on which all other things rest. A home is meant to be built for it to be successful. The Bible says: Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3). Therefore, to build a successful home, wisdom is required. A wise man said, “Courtship brings out the best, marriage brings out the rest.” That is why you need the God-given wisdom to know your spouse, adapt to him or her, and bring out the best that God has designed for your home.

Accept your responsibilities: You are the builder of your home. Stop wishing! Work on making your home a success and you will reap the fruits of your labour! Expectation is the mother of manifestation. What do you expect your home to be? Success or failure, stressful or stress-free, full of troubles or peace? Then, get down to work.

If you expect success in your home, then apply the wisdom of God. Be a doer of the Word! Do whatever He tells you to do. This is wisdom. When you do your part, God is committed to making your home a success. He can never fail. The Bible instructs all husbands to dwell with their wives according to knowledge (1 Peter 3:7). Understand her nature. When a man understands the nature of his wife and works according to that understanding, problems are less likely to arise in that home. Realise that she is a wife, mother, and homemaker all at once, and these place demands on her. Be considerate towards her and be available to minister to her needs. Don’t wait for her to play her part first. Live by example. Wives are not to be treated as slaves or inferior human beings, rather they should be held in respect. This is the wisdom of God! Men who beat their wives exhibit folly and sin against God.

God has placed the building of the house into your hands. The Bible says: Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands (Proverbs 14:1). Don’t operate in foolishness. Don’t pluck down your home, operate in the wisdom of God. Abide with God’s instructions. They are not grievous. Even if you happen to be married to a man whose level of understanding is lower than yours; remember Abigail. Through her wisdom and understanding, she saved her home even though she had a foolish husband.

Identify your husband’s weaknesses and help him to work on them. Learn to appreciate his good points, point out his mistakes in a kind and loving manner. This is God’s wisdom. Embrace it! If you abide by God’s instruction, it will make your home precious before God and before men. Here is the testimony of a sister who wisely applied God’s Word as she was taught and obtained a positive result.

As husband and wife, you are the builders of your home. Marriage can be likened to a physical house. Houses in the physical don’t just happen, they are consciously built. You don’t just wake up one day and see a physical house grow up somewhere. It takes conscious effort and input to make it happen. In the same manner, and even much more, a good marriage doesn’t just happen, it is consciously made to happen. The Word of God says, Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established (Proverbs 24:3).

You have the duty to build it the way you want it to be. Stop shifting your responsibilities to God! As my husband would always say, “Any faith that makes God absolutely responsible for the happenings of your life is an irresponsible faith”. The act of building is your responsibility. You must fulfill your own part for God to fulfill His own.

Look at this sister’s testimony:

“My husband did not attend any programme throughout the Breakthrough Seminar. I did not know what was wrong, but I put it in prayers. When the Bishop asked us to write a list of what we don’t want again, I said my husband must come back and give his life fully to Christ. He used to attend services before, but all of a sudden, he stopped participating in the prayer we hold at home.

I knew I am more than conquerors. I said, ‘You this devil, you must get out of this home, there is no room for you here’. I believed God to grant all my desire. The following Sunday my husband came to church; and since then, he’s the one that wakes us all up for prayers!

-Okorie, T.

I see God giving you your own testimony!

You need wisdom to build your home and God is the source of that wisdom. If, peradventure, you are not born again and you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, then say this prayer in faith: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for delivering me from sin and satan to serve the living God and thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.

Congratulations! If you prayed this simple prayer of faith with me, you are now born again and a child of God. He loves you and will never leave you. Read your Bible daily, obey God’s Word and seek Christian fellowship (John 14:21).

With this, you are guaranteed all-round rest and peace in Jesus’ Name! Call or write to share your testimonies with me through, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored)

“Please click to read other inspiring articles by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Pastor Faith Oyedepo is the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.

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